Shamanic Breathwork Monthly Groups
Shamanic Breathwork Monthly Groups
Breath of Hope Professional Counseling offers monthly Shamanic Breathwork Groups. Currently, the size of the group does not exceed 8 participants. Each group is hosted on a Saturday evening from 5-7:30 pm. Cost is $55 per person.
If you want to exclusively book a private group of 5 or less, that can be arranged and hosted on a Thursday or Friday evening from 6:30-9pm. Private bookings available with a minimum of 3 participants.
Shamanic Breathwork Facilitator and Shamanic Minister, Kimberlee Daughtry Lopez, LPC-S hosts this gathering. When schedules align, Joshua Daughtry, Sound Bath facilitator, joins us with his sound bowls. Participants have shared that the sound bowls added a richness to their experience.
The Shamanic Breathwork ceremony is a powerful transformational journey that inspires you to reconnect with God, your higher power, or your own inner wisdom.
Shamanic Breathwork (SBW) has the potential for you to breath through emotional barriers of fear, stress, worry and overwhelm. Come lay down, rest your head, close your eyes and your will be guided to connect to your inhale and exhale until you are taken on a journey that goes beyond the depths of the ego mind to a state of being of your soul in the spiritual realm. You will soar into deep introspection that has been longing to be integrated into your true loving state. As old wounds and dysfunctional patterns are released and transformed, you will begin to regain lost parts of yourself and reconnect to the magic of who you truly are. Empowerment brings wholeness and healing back into your life, to the lives of those you love, and to the world at large. Through this process you gain greater perspective, wisdom, calm, hope and healing. The experience is personal to your own growth.
The SBW ceremony begins by establishing safe and sacred space through ritual of smudging with sage while offering a prayer for your experience. You will lie down on your mat with blankets and pillows to make you comfortable. As the drumming begins, you will focus on surrendering to your God or Higher Power, calling upon that which is most sacred and holy to you. As the drumming ends the you are invited to connect with rhythmic breathing and a chakra-attuned musical journey for one hour. As you use the power of deep connected breathing to create a natural altered dreamlike state, the Ego defenses are released and the journey unfolds in a variety of magical ways.
Each person’s Shamanic Breathwork journey is a highly individualized process and no two are ever the same. Some of the states of consciousness reported range from divine, bliss states and others to the struggle to be released from negative forces in the psyche. Old patterns of dysfunction may be brought to the surface. Addictions are sometimes transformed during this process, as feelings such as grief, fear, rage and anxiety are released.
The sound of the drum will bring you back from your journey. You will met with warm tea and chocolates as you slowing wake up. You will bring back highlights of your journey by putting them in a mandala drawing using oil pastels. Sharing the mandala is another way to digest and integrate your new medicine from your journey into your life.
There is ample support from Shamanic Breathwork Facilitators to assist during the session to enable a safe journey for the participant. Venus Rising’s Shamanic Breathwork Facilitators have undergone this process many times in the course of their training and are loving guides for the participant’s journey. Kimberlee Daughtry Lopez and her husband, Edmundo Lopez are Shamanic Breathwork Facilitators as well as ordained Shamanic Ministers.. They have both trained with Linda StarWolf, founder of Shamanic Breathwork and Venus Rising, over the course of a year.
This is the essence of what Shamanic Breathwork is all about. Describing the process really does not do it justice. One must experience this powerful shamanic journey and its transformation directly.
Testimony from Anonymous participant:
“Kimberlee Daughtry is a versatile professional with unique talents. We tried many techniques including CBT and EMDR, but I still had a lot of difficulty processing my experiences. She then offered to try a new technique called Shamanic Breathwork. Since I started these groups with her, I have made more progress in 4 months than 4 years of therapy! With her special talent as a shamanic minister trained under Linda Star Wolf, Kimberlee has created a safe space for growth and healing which welcomes anyone no matter who you are, what you believe, or where you stand in your journey of life.”
Shamanic Breathwork Certified Facilitator badge awarded from Venus Rising.
What is Shamanic Breathwork? An interview with the late Brad Collins, co founder of Venus Rising.