Gottman Couples & Marriage Therapy Intensives
Heal Faster and Go Deeper
It is possible to have harmony and connection again in your relationship
Do you want to work on your relationship with your partner but have so many commitments that it is hard to find the time for weekly or biweekly counseling sessions?
Maybe you are both working full time …..Rushing around taking kids to and from school and extracurriculars…Caring for an elderly relative…Trying to find an ounce of time to take care of yourself.
You know your relationship could use a helping hand. But the idea of trying to fit in weekly or even bi-weekly couples therapy sessions feels overwhelming to the max! Or maybe you don’t feel like you have time. You feel like you and your partner need help right now.
Whether it’s because you’ve tried weekly therapy before and it is hard to maintain the commitment… or perhaps you have discovered an affair and you’re struggling to imagine how you’ll move forward.. or perhaps your just feeling overwhelmed and burnt out. You need quick relief.
Whatever it is, you’re not looking to put this off any longer.
Jumping in with both feet sounds like exactly what you need.
Marathon/Intensive Couples Therapy is the deep dive you’re looking for.
Invest in your relationship. Invest in your legacy.
Gottman Marathon/Intensive Couples Therapy happens over the course of one to four days. It is truly a deep-dive! Couples get a lot out of it, pretty quickly… Seriously, like several months of therapy in only a few days! Click here to read about the stunning research that supports the efficacy of intensives.
Techniques used in this couples intensive are based on the research of Dr. John Gottman. Why Gottman? Science! This approach to relationship health has been developed from nearly 50 years of research and proven to work. .
The couples intensives are provided by Certified Gottman Therapist, Kimberlee Daughtry. This is an elite group of highly dedicated and trained clinicians in the Gottman Method for Couples Therapy. There are less than 500 worldwide.
Kimberlee facilitates a calm, constructive atmosphere where dialogue can begin about issues that plague you. Intensive sessions offer flexibility in scheduling to meet your unique needs.
Through a series of targeted questionnaires and assessments, Kimberlee can get a good feel for what’s really going on in your relationship.
No crowds. Just you and your partner. The private, comfortable and safe setting gives you ample, uninterrupted time to devote to your relationship with no rush. Appropriate breaks are taken as needed.
There is the time to set relevant goals-and to really work through the patterns and challenges showing up in your coupleship.
By the end of our time together, we’ve left no stone unturned. No one’s been left out of the discussion, and we’ve had time to unpack even old memories that have lingered in a painful way.
There are no quick fixes, but each partner has been heard—and there’s a plan for moving forward.
All in a few days. Pretty great!

How are Intensives Different?
Traditional marriage counseling or couples therapy happens in 50 or 90 minute sessions—usually weekly, but sometimes bi-weekly or even monthly.
Sometimes, you’re just getting into the thick of it—uncovering the really good stuff—when that timer runs out. And then you’ve got a week or more before you’re revisiting the topic with your therapist.
Don’t misunderstand—You definitely can get so much done in shorter, weekly sessions. Traditional couples therapy can be life-changing, and it’s absolutely a great choice for a lot of couples in a lot of situations.
Others might prefer to spend a larger chunk of time, less frequently.
Couples Intensive is for...
Couples who want to heal faster.
Couples who struggle with setting aside time for weekly appointments.
Couples who have a chunk of time and want to jumpstart their work.
Couples who have experienced a crisis and need to rapidly shift gears in their relationship.
Couples who are willing and interested in improving the relationship. It takes both partners to be open and willing to change.
Couples who want to do the work but do not want to meet every week.
Couples Intensive is not for...
Couples who are not committed to this process.
Couples who are struggling with active drug and/or alcohol addiction.
Couples who have an ongoing or undisclosed affair.
Couples who have serious violence in the relationship.
Couples who have one partner who is suicidal, self harming or suffers from a serious mental illness.
If one partner has little motivation to work on the marriage in a sincere way or is seriously considering divorce.
If meeting weekly works better for your connection style, sense of trust, security, trust with therapist
If you work better by taking small steps weekly, rather than taking a big dose of therapeutic progress all at once
Couples Therapy Intensive can help you…
help move you from thinking of ending your relationship to recommitting in new ways.
start premarital therapy on the right track and have a life-time of relationship satisfaction.
feel better and prepared to work on your relationship on your own.
jumpstart your couple therapy and decide to continue on with weekly sessions or once every 4-6 weeks.
have a better understanding of one another and the things you need to do to get back on track.
What can I expect from Couples Therapy Retreat?
Most intensives are scheduled for six hours per day. The day is broken up into two sessions - 3 hrs in the morning (breaks after each hour ). A 1 hour lunch break. Then 2 hours after lunch with a short break in between.
The Gottman assessment process can take 4-5 traditional weekly 90 minute sessions. If you want to get a jump start on this and knock it out in 1 day, here is how that day will go:
The first part of the day will include the Relationship assessment. You will talk about your relationship, your struggles, and what brought you to therapy. After that, Kimberlee will meet with each of you individually to continue putting the full picture together!
We’ll reconvene after a lunch break, and Kimberlee will share her findings with you—including the strengths and opportunities she has observed in your relationship, as well as review some possible goals and outcomes for you time together. You will also do some skill building as you learn about the 7 principles that make marriage work.
Following the above process, we will create a tailored treatment plan to fit your goals. Once you agree on how to move forward, you will dive right in—helping you to repair past arguments, break down and solve those gridlocked problems, and strengthen your ability to successfully compromise. You will gain new skills for your tool box.
If you have completed the Gottman assessment process the intensive can be used to deep dive in the tailored treatment plan that was created in the assessment process. We will not be rushed and can take the necessary time to learn new skills and apply them to the issues at hand, The schedule will proceed as mentioned above.
Couples Therapy Intensives are meant to help you begin working together again as a team. We want to build a sustainable friendship while increasing your intimacy, passion, and romance… All while you learn to effectively navigate and manage conflict.
After the Couples Therapy Intensives, you and your partner will be encouraged to return for your 45 min follow-up session. This is included in your package cost and it is to ensure you’re taking your new skills with you for the long term!
Click any package below to learn more. ↓
The number of days you choose is entirely up to what you are needing.
One Day Retreat ( Assessment day w/skill building) can stand alone. It can be a great way to jumpstart the assessment process or serve to go deeper and faster with an already existing treatment plan.
2 days (the assessment plus 1 day) are for those:
Seeking Preventative Care
Have a solid relationship but have some minor differences to work out
Wanting to enhance their connection and friendship.
Have a decent conflict system but need help with making a specific decision (e.g. to buy a house)
Have a decent conflict system and desire to enhance intimacy.
Interested in a premarital preparation.
3 Days ( the assessment plus 2 days) are for those:
Seeking minor repairs in their relatioship
Are trying to get “back on track”
Have struggled some time with friendship and/or conflict
Need help in making a major life decision (i.e., to have children, tome jobe change, to relocate, etc)
Feel more like roommates than partners.
4 days ( the assessment plus 3 days) are for those:
Needing to repair a major betrayal ( i.e., affairs)
Have underlying trauma that sometimes impacts their relationship.
Needs help navigating multiple points of conflict.
Desire to improve intimacy but struggle in their conflict system (have not had sex for months)
Fee more like enemies than partners.
Have separated but wanting to reconcile.
Once a marathon session is booked, the process starts immediately with a confidential online questionnaire completed by each partner.. The assessment is a tool created by The Gottman Institute. It illuminates the dynamics of the relationship, highlighting the strengths and areas of concern, as well as what the hopes are for counseling.
10-4 pm; Short breaks and lunch as needed.
Oral History Assessment: Kimberlee will talk with couples about their relationship history. She will talk about how you met, your dating experience, marriage, transitions (like becoming parents or moving), and your relationship ups and downs.
Individual Interviews: Kimberlee will meet with each person individually. During this time, She will learn about each partner’s perspective, any personal issues that may be playing a role in the marriage, as well as hopes, expectations and commitment to the relationship.
Feedback Session and Treatment planning: During the feedback session, Kimberlee will review your assessment findings, including information you gave during Oral History Interview and individual interviews and online assessment. Using Gottman Method’s Sound House Relationship, She will discuss areas of strength in your relationship as well as areas of growth.
Skill Building: Couples intensive is dedicated to skill-building. Using the findings of your assessment, She will work on 1-3 skills that help any areas of need in your relationship, so you can continue to use those skills at home.
6 hrs each full day; (10-4pm) Short breaks and short lunch as needed.
A 2 day marathon would include Day 1 agenda. Day 2 would work on the treatment goals for therapy, unpacking the deeper work.
2 days are for those:
1.Seeking Preventative Care
2.Have a solid relationship but have some minor differences to work out
3.Wanting to enhance their connection and friendship.
4.Have a decent conflict system but need help with making a specific decision (e.g. to buy a house)
5.Have a decent conflict system and desire to enhance intimacy.
6.Interested in a premarital preparation.
6hrs each full day: (10-4pm); Short breaks and lunch as needed
A 3 Day Marathon would include Day 1 agenda, Day 2 working on treatment goals, Day 3, continuing to work on treatment goals, unpacking the deeper work.
3 Days are for those:
1.Seeking minor repairs in their relatioship
2. Are trying to get “back on track”
3. Have struggled some time with friendship and/or conflict
4. Need help in making a major life decision (i.e., to have children, tome jobe change, to relocate, etc)
5.Feel more like roommates than partners.
6 hrs each full day; (10-4pm) Short breaks and short lunch as needed.
A 4 day retreat would include Day 1 agenda. Day 2-4 we would work on the treatment goals for therapy, unpacking the deeper work.
4 days are for those:
1.Needing to repair a major betrayal ( i.e., affairs)
2.Have underlying trauma that sometimes impacts their relationship.
3.Needs help navigating multiple points of conflict.
4.Desire to improve intimacy but struggle in their conflict system (have not had sex for months)
5.Fee more like enemies than partners.
6.Have separated but wanting to reconcile.
After the intensive therapy sessions, you will be encouraged to have a 45 minute follow up session to assure the benefits are maintained. This is included in your cost.
1 Day Couples Therapy Retreat Package is $1100. (Includes 45 min follow up session after Intensive)
2 Day Couples Therapy Retreat Package is $2200. (Includes 45 min follow up session after Intensive)
3 Day Couples Therapy Retreat Package is $3300. (Includes 45 min follow up session after Intensive)
4 Day Couples Therapy Retreat Package is $4400. (Includes 45 min follow up session after Intensive)
There is one 45 minute follow up session included in the price.
50% of payment is due at the time of booking to hold your spot. This is non refundable.
The remaining amount is due 2 weeks prior to the intensive. This is non refundable. You are allowed to reschedule one time. The new date must be within 30 days of the original date.
There is a 4% courtesy fee for using Credit Card. There is no charge for Zelle.
Additional fees for tools:
1.The Gottman Online Assessment is a separate charge of $75. This Pre Intensive is required prior to the Intensive.
2. The Relationship Builder is a one time fee of $200. You’ll be learning lots of new skills in your Marathon/Intensive Couples Therapy Retreat—and practice makes perfect! The Gottman Relationship Builder is a collection of exercises and videos designed to improve your relationship and greatly minimize the chance of relapse.
The Relationship Builder includes:
Thirteen modules that cover all aspects of the Gottman Method—including friendship, intimacy, managing conflict, sharing goals, and more;
Ninety short videos from Doctors John and Julie Gottman modeling the best way to use your brand new skills; and
Thirty-five fun and easy exercises you can try with your partner.
The Gottman Relationship Builder add-on is something you’ll be able to access indefinitely, over and over again. Pick and choose what you work on and when!
Invest in your relationship. Invest in your legacy.
Kimberlee Daughtry Lopez, CGT, has earned this level of distinction from The Gottman Institute.