Directory for Community Resources
Mental Health Resources
Breath of Hope Counseling (BOH) believes in the power of community and collaboration. No one practice does it all. If our practice does not meet your needs or we are fully booked, here are some other amazing clinicians in the San Antonio area that do beautiful work. They show up with a servant’s heart ready to provide quality care.
We believe in people over profit! This means that as mental health professionals, Breath of Hope fully embraces connecting and supporting other professionals. BOH will always put the well-being of people over personal profitability.
Provided below is list of providers and links to their websites. Click on the name to visit the website.
Trauma and EMDR therapists:
Couples and Marriage Therapists
Family, Children and Adult Therapy
General Therapy
Dr Richard Brake, PsyD, Licensed Psychologist
University United Methodist Church Counseling
Community Mental Health Centers
Chemical Dependency Treatment Centers
Neurofeedback/ Biofeedback
The Well Mind Center of San Antonio
Inpatient Treatment Center for Children/Teens
*Disclaimer: Breath of Hope Professional Counseling is not affiliated with any of the practitioners listed and is not responsible for interactions that occur between you and the practice listed. This list is provided as a community resource. It is at your discretion to participate in services with any individual listed. If you have reasonable concern and have been harmed in some way by means of abuse or sexual misconduct by any of the individuals listed, please contact the Texas State Behavioral Health Executive Counsel: Board of Examiners for Professional Counseling to report the incident. If you have a negative experience that you believe should be addressed by the removal of a practitioner from this list, please email Kimberlee Daughtry Lopez with the name of the practitioner to be notified of a potential removal.